Tuesday, 2 October 2012

IP cameras and CCTV takes the task of surveillance

Security Surveillance Cameras

Install a camera surveillance control system at home for total security. Set-in cameras in different locations and interconnect them wirelessly. Direct all cameras to a Digital video Recording and keep a copy of the images on the monitor. The advanced DVR technology copies the selected Closed Circuit Television images and transfer to the Internet connectivity or a mobile phone handset. The advanced smartphone versions can control home's surveillance system remotely. Security surveillance cameras, latest 'Big Brother', can detect any suspicious movements and alerts security guards by sending a text message to pagers. The surveillance camera system is employed in the sensitive areas, or public buildings.

CCTV Cameras

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) displays the video streaming on the set of chosen monitors. The signals are transmitted from point to point (P2P) or point to multipoint and CCTV camera takes the task of surveillance. The best fit examples are banks, military, and airports. CCTV cameras are used in educational institutions for distant education. The advanced version of CCTV system adapts digital video recorders incorporates motion-detection and email alerts. 

IP Cameras

IP Camera is a video camera put to usage for surveillance; the data can be sending or received over the computer network using the Internet lines. Common example can be webcams but (internet protocol) IP camera are specifically utilised for surveillance. Classified as centralized (Internet Protocol) IP cameras and decentralized IP cameras, the former will require a network video recorder used for handling recording, video, and alarm management and the later has a built-in functionality that can store data, and accommodate storage devices such as hard disk drives, or network attached storage.

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