Thursday, 11 October 2012

Security Camera Saves Tax Payers Money in Public Places of Bountiful


IP Cameras
IP Camera

Public property in the public places is damaged by vandals, thefts, etc., it is a serious threat, people in the neighbourhood of Bountiful city have felt that something strong action should be undertaken to stop the threat of damages. During late hours, items in the Bountiful parks alone have registered damages to the order of $10,000 to $15,000. How to save the tax savers money? Someone will have to monitor day and night to keep the public properties save and secured, only hidden security camera surveillance can provide some sense of suffice to the locals living in the vicinity of public parks, and places. Jerry Wilson, the city’s parks and recreation director has spotted the continual trouble that is taking place in the 4th North Park; vandals have ripped sinks, toilets, and even demolished the privacy walls. A slippery side is mended and Wilson says that in a period of five to six years the entire premise has been replaced four times. 
Security Camera Can Protect Cemetery in Bountiful

Another place where security camera is essential is the Bountiful Cemetery, the Secretary Annette Nelson said that installation of the surveillance camera to set off alarm to the security personal should be the top priority because many thefts do occur in the burial grounds she said on the memorial day and Mother’s Day at the cemetery are targeted by the thieves. Drug activities and graffiti are quite common nearby Hidden Lake Trailhead and the neighbours have pledged $3,000 to the existing project in order to cover the criminal activities that are up. Bountiful Police, Lt. Ed Biehler has said that the security camera will be hosted targeting the public places and not pointing towards the private properties. No staffs is available to watch the cameras, police will take a note of the incidents on the following day if any theft or vandalism takes place. People who are living in the areas of the Hidden Lake Trailhead, Bountiful Cemetery, Bountiful Ridge Golf Course and the city's landfill do face a threat and something specific should be done eventually. Security camera in such sensitive areas is essential and most likely Wilson said the system by the next spring. 
Security Camera Can Be Fitted with VoIP Technology 
Security camera come in different forms, they can be VoIP controlled or hidden cameras or closed-circuit cameras, in the case of closed-circuit cameras, the security camera will be installed in the public places and different locations, and the security inside will be vigilant. Some of the cameras are controlled by the central command system on the computer and the IP cameras can pull in information along with the voice recorder to understand the events across the video installations. However, security cameras can be fixed at the places totally unknown to the visitors. These cameras can be tuned to capture the surrounding to provide adequate cue to the security personal or act as surveillance piece to alert the security. 


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

IP cameras and CCTV takes the task of surveillance

Security Surveillance Cameras

Install a camera surveillance control system at home for total security. Set-in cameras in different locations and interconnect them wirelessly. Direct all cameras to a Digital video Recording and keep a copy of the images on the monitor. The advanced DVR technology copies the selected Closed Circuit Television images and transfer to the Internet connectivity or a mobile phone handset. The advanced smartphone versions can control home's surveillance system remotely. Security surveillance cameras, latest 'Big Brother', can detect any suspicious movements and alerts security guards by sending a text message to pagers. The surveillance camera system is employed in the sensitive areas, or public buildings.

CCTV Cameras

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) displays the video streaming on the set of chosen monitors. The signals are transmitted from point to point (P2P) or point to multipoint and CCTV camera takes the task of surveillance. The best fit examples are banks, military, and airports. CCTV cameras are used in educational institutions for distant education. The advanced version of CCTV system adapts digital video recorders incorporates motion-detection and email alerts. 

IP Cameras

IP Camera is a video camera put to usage for surveillance; the data can be sending or received over the computer network using the Internet lines. Common example can be webcams but (internet protocol) IP camera are specifically utilised for surveillance. Classified as centralized (Internet Protocol) IP cameras and decentralized IP cameras, the former will require a network video recorder used for handling recording, video, and alarm management and the later has a built-in functionality that can store data, and accommodate storage devices such as hard disk drives, or network attached storage.